Software Pendongkrak Suara (Hear)

halo semuanya, kali ini haykalkharisma akan memposting seputar software HEAR. sebelumnya sudah ada yang tau belum apa itu HEAR? itu lo software pendongkrak suara, yang dulunya suaranya kayak emprit kicau, bisa jadi burung kacer yang merdu banget. hehe. Maaf kicau mania. 😀 Software ini cocok banget buat lagu yang nge- Bass gitu. Feelnya lebih dapet banget. bisa di atur sendiri efek suaranya langsung. banyak efek-efek yang bisa buat makin jernih. kalo tidak percaya silahkan lihat penampakannya berikut.


Gimana? dari penbampakannya aja udah menyakinkan belum? haha. bisa di atur sendiri tuh efeknya sesuai selera masing masing dehh. Masih belum yakin juga? nih ada features yang bakal kalian temuin di HEAR.


Hear Features :

Hear offers a wide array of settings that are quick easy to find and will greatly improve the sound quality of your music, movies and games.

  • MIXER – allows you to adjust the sound volume for various applications, so you don’t have a loud mail sound while you are listening to music
  • EQUALIZER – features the most advanced N-band equalizer with built-in peak limiters. You can choose between slider or curve mode for fine-adjustments
  • GENERAL – adjust the general settings (bass, dewoofer, fidelity) and enable various effects
  • 3D – expanding audio environment out of actual speaker positions
  • FX – is an aggressive type of surround sound remixing
  • BW – meditate to your music…it’s a special feature that can help you relax after work, it does so by generating brain waves targeted at relaxation
  • MAXIMIZER – bring your concert home…produces a more “live” feature to the music (bass is boomier and highs are crisper)
  • AMBIENCE – allows you to add reverb effect to the output
  • SPEAKER – widen the frequency range of your speaker system (or headphones) and corrects output phase
  • SUB – expands bass frequencies like a real subwoofer does
  • LIMITER – ceiling and threshold, control aspects of level compression
  • SPACE – creates a virtual re-sounding frame behind the listener’s position and bounces the sound around
  • FIDELITY – restores the subtle nuances that are often damaged in the recording process
Gimana gimana? sudah yakin kan? silahkan di download bro. Softwarenya kecil bro cuman 6 MB. Ets lupa bro , Sebenernya ini software gak Gratis loh , ada Serial numbernya.
Tapi tenang aja Bro Gausah Bayarrr , Di Dalem File .rar nya Udah ane kasih JAMU Serial Numbernya :v

Ini Linknya : DOWNLOAD (PASSWORD : haykalkharisma)

Eittss Tunggu dulu…
Cara masukin serial numbernya gini brohh.
1. Install Software , nah entar Disuruh Restare , ente restart dh >.<
2. Trus kalo udah di restrart , Buka Hearnya di TrayIcon biasanya.
3. Trus Klik Icon tanda tanya ( ? ) yg dikotakin putih itu ^^ , Trus Ntar ada Pilihan Suruh Masuukin Serialnya , Nah
4. Masukin Serialnya
5. Trus Restart
Tinggal setting sesuka hati bro.

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